Raw materials

We are the world’s largest company specialising in processing Nordic wild animal hides. In addition to wild game hides, our main raw materials and ingredients include cow hides, horse hides and protein powder. We also have the ability to process the hides of other animals, such as sheep, and we are happy to use the raw materials of your choice.

The best and cleanest raw materials in the market

The majority of our raw materials come from Finland, and the rest are sourced from trusted partners in other Nordic and EU countries. We know where our raw materials come from, and we know the hide dealers, hunting clubs and slaughterhouses that supply them. This allows us to monitor the entire production chain from start to finish.

Because our products are safe and clean, they can be served to pets with a clear conscience. And because our products are all-natural, pets find them delicious.

We are able to ensure the purity, quality and responsibility of our products throughout the local production chain.

Raaka-aineet toiveidesi mukaan

Makupaloissa käytettävää proteiinijauhoa on saatavilla useassa eri maussa. Kattavan yhteistyöverkostomme kautta voimme hankkia raaka-aineita toiveidesi mukaan. Voimme lisätä tuotteisiin terveyttä edistäviä ja funktionaalisia ominaisuuksia antavia lisäaineita. Dental-tuotteisiin käytämme vaikuttavana ainesosana natriumheksametafosfaattia. Pohjolan luonnosta kerätyt supermarjat kuuluvat valikoimaamme ja niitä voi hyödyntää sekä purutikuissa että makupalatuotteissa.

Kehitämme jatkuvasti yhteistyöverkostoamme panostaen sen läpinäkyvyyteen ja vastuullisuuteen. Luotettavan kumppaniverkoston avulla löydämme tuotteellesi parhaat raaka-aineet.

Skins and hides

Game animals

  • Eurasian elk
  • Deer
  • Red deer
  • Reindeer

Other animals

  • Cow
  • Horse
  • Other animals, if you prefer

Other raw materials and ingredients

  • Protein powder (e.g., chicken, pork, turkey, reindeer and lamb)
  • Psyllium fibre
  • Various plant-based ingredients, such as plant fibre and dried carrots
  • Sodium hexametaphosphate
  • Nordic superberries such as bilberry and lingonberry
  • Oils, vitamins and other nutritional additives
  • Other raw materials and ingredients of your choosing

For the benefit of pets, pet owners and pet supply companies

We are a trusted expert partner to our customers. We make pet treats locally and deliver them to our customers punctually as agreed.

With our products, pet owners can easily make a sustainable choice and offer their beloved pets locally produced treats made of all-natural raw materials.

But our top priority is, of course, our real customers, the beloved family pets for whom we make our safe and great-tasting treats.

Contact us

Contact us to learn more about our products and to inquire about collaboration opportunities.

Contact us